Bio medical community has found that humans can ingest hydrogen.

It is a therapeutic antioxidant and it does so by selectively scavenging the toxic radicals. Free radicals are very damaging to the body. It can damage your DNA, RNA, Cell membranes. It can be linked to every disease and pathology there is.

Oxidation happens to our body. 2 to 3% of the oxygen that we breathe turns into free radicals. If you get too much free radical (that comes from pollutants, the environment, the normal cellular metabolism and the processing of food), you produce free radicals that can be damaging.

Hydrogen is a THERAPEUTIC antioxidant. It’s very mild. It’s sensitive. It will only select the bad free radicals, leaving the good ones to do their job. 

Hydrogen has a very high bio malleability. In order for an antioxidant or drug to have any benefits, it has to actually penetrate into the cell. Even more so, into the exact location where certain damage are occurring. 

Production of free radicals these mainly occur inside of the mitochondria which is an organelle inside the cell where free radicals are produce. So in order for hydrogen gas to really go in there and selectively scavenge those toxic radicals, at least to enter into the cell, the thing that determines its bio malleability the most is No. 1 – the size. Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the whole universe.  It’s even smaller than oxygen, that allows it to easily and quickly diffuse into the sub cellar compartment and through the blood vein barrier and everywhere easily than any other anti-oxidant. 

Hydrogen is non polar. It’s neutral and that allows it to diffuse these to the cells as well.

NON TOXIC BY-PRODUCT: There’s no toxic by-product. In fact, the bi-product is simply water. And if you consider other antioxidant, for example, it gives out its electrons. It has to clear, to metabolize, to get out of the body somehow or else it can be damaging. Whereas, Hydrogen gas will react with those hydroxyl radicals and convert them into water, and that’s the by product: Hydrogen + oxygen = WATER. In fact, since 2007, there are now over 1400 publications that are showing the therapeutic benefits of hydrogen in over 170 human and animal disease models and essentially every organ of the human body.

Not everyone is going to experience a dramatic effect on hydrogen. Many people do. Many people just the first time they are exposed to it. Some people used to have joint pains and now they can walk without pain. Or some people cannot remember things very well or they used to have cognitive lapses, but now they are more alert, they have more energy. It’s very amazing to see these things but then again, not everyone will experience that immediate effect, but at least they may experience the gradual therapeutic effect. 

From the book ‘Hydrogen Medicine” published in 2017 


Written by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) , an acupuncturist, Doctor of Oriental & Pastoral medicine and author of many astounding medical and health related books 

Hydrogen is taking modern medicine by storm as hundreds of scientific studies are being released all of which indicate that millions of lives can be saved and much suffering avoided when hydrogen medicine takes the lead position in medical protocols.

Mounting clinical experience is pointing to hydrogen as the strongest, simplest, and safest medicine in existence. After experiencing with toxic pharmaceuticals, heavy metals and radiation over the last century, we now find hydrogen gas and hydrogen water making headway into the mainstream of medicine where it is already saving lives.

Hydrogen gas inhalation therapy and drinking hydrogen water penetrates the mitochondria, DNA, and every extremity in the body. Most of the research has been done in Japan, then China, now U.S.A. and Europe. Doctors are just learning that hydrogen is a lifesaving medicine. Emergency room doctors, ambulance paramedics and intensive care doctors will be the first to understand the real importance of hydrogen. Instead of just using oxygen, they will be applying  hydrogen, oxygen and making sure CO2 levels rise as well. 

Hard research sustains the view that hydrogen is a medicine of the future that has arrived today. Of course, there is a limit to hydrogen and what it can do by itself when it floods your body’s fluids and cells. But when backed by a full protocol of other power natural medicines and therapies, most of those limits are removed. 

H2 turns oxidants into water. There are no side effects. 

Molecular hydrogen (H2) functions as an EXTENSIVE PROTECTOR AGAINST OXIDATIVE STRESS, inflammation and allergic reactions. Oxidative stress results in cellular damage. 

Hydrogen will quickly change the landscape of a person’s present condition and that is why doctors in the west are beginning to take notice. Combined with its excellent safety record, hydrogen has many unique characteristics that make it very valuable in medicine, health, and anti-ageing. Its systematic properties and penetration abilities allow hydrogen to be effective under conditions of poor blood flow and other situations that limit many other types of systematic treatment. 

Hydrogen gas and hydrogen water are helpmates, they are not a cure for anything though they might help with everything. 


  • Neuro-protective. In fact, a big help to people suffering from neuropathy.
  • Improves mood disorders
  • Reduces muscle fatigue, motor deficits and muscle degeneration.
  • Prevents metabolic syndrome, decreasing levels of glucose, insulin and triglycerides; can treat diabetes.
  • Antioxidant:: Prevents brain damage. It keeps oxidative stress down and free radicals production down.
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Protects organs
  • Reduce LDL cholesterol and blood sugar
  • Assists in weight loss
  • Enhances mitochondrial function
  • Has been shown to prevent cancer by reducing oxidative stress and suppressing tumor colony growth. 
  • H2 benefits cancer patients through prevention. It helps to fight cancer by minimizing its spread. Useful as an effective adjunct to radiation and chemotherapy treatment. It Has been shown to reduce side effects of cancer treatments as well.
  • Boost skin health
  • Enhances wound healing
  • Limits damage of transplant organs
  • Improves bladder dysfunction
  • Is cardio-protective
  • Protects and rebuilds eyes and vision
  • Prevents hearing loss
  • Combats allergies
  • Ameliorates kidney disease
  • Protects the liver
  • Promotes gut health
  • Protects the lungs
  • Protects from radiation induced damage
  • Relieves pain
  • May prolong lifespan
  • Is anti-bacterial and promotes oral health
  • Is non-toxic even at high concentrations. 

The majority of modern science has come to the conclusion that free radical damage in the human body is the cause of aging. Aging is evidence of the damage to millions of the body cells through oxidation. This oxidation is due to the LACK OF AVAILABLE HYDROGEN ANIONS TO STOP FREE RADICAL DAMAGE. 

Molecular hydrogen is seen to be effective for Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which is a chronic inflammatory disease which is the progressive destruction of joints cause morbidity. It is also associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis, which can result in cardiovascular disease and mortality. The therapeutic goal of hydrogen is to CONTROL SYSTEMATIC INFLAMMATION to obtain not only the remission of symptons , but also improve one’s general health. 

Hydrogen gas inhalation is a powerful yet gentle therapeutic process.

Every sip of hydrogen water, our bodies are flushed with trillions of hydrogen molecules. H2 is an effective molecule to scavenge and pair up with toxic hydroxyl radicals in the body that need to be neutralized. Hydrogen therapy is safe and there is no upper limit of use. The more water you drink infused with hydrogen the better, especially if you have late stage cancer and need to turn things around quickly. 

There is no toxicity to H2 because the by-product of the free radical neutralizing reaction is WATER. Each molecule of H2 will neutralize 

2 hydroxyl radicals (the most cytotoxic of reactive oxygen species) 



Hydrogen Gas Inhalation Treatment in Acute Cerebral Infarction: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study on Safety and Neuroprotection

Through this randomized controlled clinical study in Japan by 5 doctors in Neurosurgery at the Nishijima Hospital and the Nippon Medical School in June 2017 

Here they assessed the safety and effectiveness of H2 treatment in patients with cerebral infarction n an acute stage with mild-to-moderate severity. 50 patients were enrolled (25 each in the H2 group and the control group) with a therapeutic time window of 6 to 24 hours. 

The average age of the patients was 76 in the H2 group and 73.3 in the control group. 12 of the H2 group and 9 of the control group were above 80 years old. 

The H2 group inhaled 3% H2 gas (1 hour twice a day), and the control group received conventional intravenous medications for the initial 7 days. The individuals in the control group were administered a proof pharmaceutical drug for stroke or cerebral infarction EDARAVONE (30 mg intravenously every 12 hours for 14 days.), a scavenger of free radicals, for neuroprotection with antioxidant effects, ozagrel (8- mg intravenously every 12 hours for 14 days) as an antiplatelet agent, and ARGATROBAN (60 mg intravenously for the first day, then 10 mg every 12 hours for 4 days) as an anticoagulant. 

The evaluations included daily vital signs, NIHSS scores, physical therapy indices, weekly blood chemistry, and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) SCANS OVER THE 2-WEEK study period.


Hyrdogen was shown to be more effective at treating patients in the H2 group than the pharmaceutical drugs. The patients in the H2 group showed improvements 3 days after administration of the H2 gas while individuals in the control group at this present time are still getting worse due to the trauma of the stroke. 

The H2 group showed improvements in oxygen saturation. The following significant effects were found: the relative signal intensity of MRI, which indicated the severity of the infarction site, NIHSS scores for clinically quantifying stroke severity, and physical therapy evaluation, as judged by the Barthel Index.

CONCLUSIONS: H2 treatment was safe and effective in patients with acute cerebral infarction. These results suggested a potential for widespread and general application of H2 gas. 


  • H2 is the smallest molecule in the universe that easily and instantly bonds with other molecules. When 2 hydrogen molecules pair up, the result is H2 gas, otherwise known as molecular hydrogen.  Although small, this tiny antioxidant is armed with several huge health benefits. Clinical research (over 1,400 as of 2019) shows H2 can help with the healing of a variety of ailments. 
  • HYDROGEN IS the first element in the periodic table of chemical elements. It is also the lightest molecule in nature. In addition, HYDROGEN is also a colorless odorless gas. Hydrogen permeability is very strong, can penetrate rubber and latex tubes at room temperature, in even at high temperatures can penetrate metal.
  • It comes out in the form of a gas which is tasteless and odorless to be exact. 
  • H2 is flammable BUT ONLY at a concentration of 4% , EXCEPT when it’s dissolve into a solution (water) but it doesn’t bond with the water molecule H2O. Hydrogen infused water is H2 + H2O
  • H2 is the smallest and lightest molecule in the universe. You can fit 3 million H2 molecules in a single strand of hair. 
  • H2 is neutral and so small that it can get through anywhere in your body. No area is off limits for H2. It can pass through the blood stream, your brain barrier, the placenta barrier, and any other barrier in your body. 
  • H2can reduce oxidative stress in the mitochondria and nucleus. It can even protect our DNA, RNA.
  • H2 is a medical gas that reduces oxidative stress.
  • H2 has the potential to deal with the cause of the health problem.
  • H2 is extremely safe even at high concentration. 
  • H2 water and Alkaline water differ in a single major way. While Alkaline water seeks to use higher pH to treat issues in the body, H2 water fights the basis of all illness, aging, and disease – OXIDATION STRESS AND INFLAMMATION. 
  • There are no drugs that has been shown to be effective for Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other cognitive impairment. Actual human clinical studies showed that hydrogen gas can not only slow down or prevent the decline in cognitive impairments, but actually lead to improvements, similarly with stroke or cerebral infaction/ 


20% of the oxygen we breathe produces free radicals which made our body very susceptible to oxidative stress. Every breath you take can lead to oxidation stress. We need to take in oxygen to survive. BUT oxidation also leads to the production of free radicals. They are the oxygen-containing molecles that contain unpaired electrons. Because electrons prefer to be in pairs, these molecules work their way through other cells in order to find an electron. This interaction leads to things like cell damage and cell death. 

Oxidation stress is the cause or contributor to every human disease. When free radicals cause oxidative stress, you may experience things like pain, inflammation, disease, fatigue, chronic disease. 


Hydroxyl radical is very reactive, so it quickly reacts with other chemical species. The hydroxyl groups are a functional group found in sugars and alcohols. It consists of one hydrogen and one oxygen atom (-OH or HO-). They’re always negative while the hydrogen side is always positive. When this functional group appears in a molecule, the prefix used is “hydroxyl”


Formula for water is H2O. They’re bound together. As noted, free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules with an unpaired electron. When H2 enters the body, it goes searching for these free radicals. When H2 and free radicals come together, the formula for H2O is complete and the result is harmless water. It’s as simple as that. Thus, the harmful free radicals that went into your cells exit out of your body as water (urine) after you drink H2 infused water.

H2 + H2O = H2O again


Plenty of hydrogen exists in plain water. However in regular H2O, the hydrogen is bound to the oxygen. Because of this, the hydrogen in water cannot provide any therapeutic health benefits aside from hydration. 


  1. Dropping magnesium tablets into the water. These tablets releases hydrogen into the water seamlessly. However, along with delivering more magnesium than a typical person needs, you need to consume a lot of this H2 water in order to reap the rewards. You may not be able to consume enough in a day to see the benefits right away. 
  1. Another method involves electrolysis which is the same method used in alkaline water. Electrolysis is used to break apart the hydrogen and oxygen molecules which allows H2 gas to permeate the water without an excessive amount of magnesium. The result is product is still lacking when it comes to therapeutic purposes because insufficient H2 gas is dissolved in the water in a short period of time. Besides,ionizers leave something to be desired when it comes to taste due to it being drinking water that is ionized around the metallic electrodes.. 
  1. BEST WAY –

Method 1 –is to infuse a glass or pitcher of water with H2 produced by a hydrogen gas generator in 90 seconds, 2 minutes or 10 minutes depending on your machine. You can infuse several times more consumable molecular hydrogen in a glass of water than magnesium tablets or ionization. When you use this kind of method to consume H2 water, H2 can do exactly what it needs to do in the body WITHOUT side effects. H2 goes into your blood in as little as 30 seconds after drinking. 

Method 2 – INHALATION 

Using this method, H2 is available IMMEDIATELY. 

The amount of hydrogen you inhale in one minute is 10x the amount you consume when drinking 3 liters of H2 water. As you inhale, the powerful H2 molecule is sent directly into your bloodstream.

H2 Inhalation + Drinking H2 infused water = 



In November 2016, the Japanese Government already approved the inhalation of hydrogen gas in advanced medicine, so they could do a major clinical trial with over 360 patients in 15-20 different hospitals to determine the effects and benefits of hydrogen gas for post cardiac arrest syndrome.


“ YOU NEED OXYGEN TO LIVE BUT YOU NEED HYDROGEN TO LIVE WELL” – Dr. Soon, Pioneer in Hydrogen Research in China 





Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences

Specialized Fields: 

Hydrogen Medicine, Anti-aging, Mitochondrogy. 


“ When I was exploring an ideal anti-oxidant that lacks adverse effects, I came across hydrogen. By the first experiment on January 2005, I was amazed at the great protective effects of hydrogen against oxidative stress and decided to devote my life to hydrogen medicine. In 2007, we succeeded in the publication of the first research paper in the journal “Nature Medicine”. The first paper was accepted with a surprise and some doubts, but we overcame them by continuous publications. My mission is to develop not only hydrogen medicine sciences, but also hydrogen industry as the pioneer of hydrogen medicine. “


We set up one or two of our 500 cc/1200 ml Hydrogen Gas Generator (depending on the allowable space) in your clinic for your current patients to use for free. These units are considered and will remain as VHLife’s property. 

Each patient, by appointment basis only, can breathe H2 (thru the use of their personal nasal cannula which is attached to our H2 machine) at a maximum of 1 hour per session. The patient will also be served H2 infused water.  Each patient is limited to 30 free sessions within a span of 1 month. Your staff is to keep the log for each patient. 

Period of Product Exposure at your clinic or business establishment: 

1 year (Subject to contract renewal thereafter)


Awareness of Molecular Hydrogen as an effective Anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory agent.

For patients in the Philippines to experience the therapeutic benefits of molecular hydrogen to their health condition particularly the ones who has Type II Diabetes, early dementia stage, skin allergies, Rheumatoid Arthritis, post cerebral infarction state or in post cardiac arrest state.

The patient has the option of purchasing our H2 units through Health Cube, after experiencing improvements in their conditions. 



2017 Nobel Prize Nominee, American biochemist

Founder of The Institute of Molecular Medicine, California

President, Chief Scientific Officer, & Emeritus Professor of Molecular Pathology

What is Hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant element found in the universe, it contains one proton and one electron. It’s a colorless, odorless, non-toxic gas found in nature, it’s very natural in the soil, in small amounts in water, there’s a very mild amount in the air that we breathe but you can find in higher amounts in water, for example in oil well deposits or at the bottom of the sea that has trapped hydrogen

How is Hydrogen Significantly Different than other Anti-oxidants?

Turns out it’s a powerful anti-oxidant but not too powerful. This was one of the principal findings in Japan by Professor Ohta. He did an amazing study where he found that not only was hydrogen an anti-oxidant but it was able to neutralize the oxidative capacity in the cell. But it was not too powerful because there are very natural oxidants in our cells which are very important for signaling in the cells and for regulation of gene expression and so on. So it’s important that if we use an antioxidant that it’s not too powerful so it can neutralize or reduce dangerous oxidants in our cells and these dangerous oxidants account for a number of different problems particularly in chronic illnesses.

We can take in hydrogen as a gas or we can take it in as hydrogen enriched water. But the simplest way is to take it in just by water, just by drinking. 

What can Hydrogen do to Improve our Overall Health?

Probably the most dramatic effect is the fact that hydrogen is a very good anti-oxidant so during problems in our health, or during aging, or when we have acute or chronic illnesses, we over produce oxidants in our system and hydrogen is a very effective way of reducing the effects of these oxidants. It’s also a very strong anti-inflammatory agent so there are a number of ways hydrogen can benefit us in terms of our health. 

How safe is Hydrogen even after long term exposure?

It’s absolutely safe. One of the exciting properties is that it’s extremely safe. Hydrogen has been used for a long time for example in commercial diving, hydrogen has been used to prevent compression in diving Divers has been exposed to Hydrogen in much higher concentrations than we actually see in hydrogen enriched water so its safety record is absolutely excellent. It is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY safe. 


One of the things hydrogen could do is reduce inflammation. There are many diseases associated with inflammation like inflammatory bowel diseases, inflammatory muscle diseases, alteriosclerosis, and the list goes on. But hydrogen can be useful in reducing inflammation so as a general health property, it CAN reduce inflammation. There are some other autoimmune diseases that has inflammation as an aspect of the diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sarcoidosis, Multiple Sclerosis. Hydrogen has a very natural property that moves across cell membranes and even the central nervous system which is separated by the blood brain barrier. Hydrogen can penetrate, get into every compartment of our body, mitochondria, the nucleus.  It’s a very interesting molecule in terms of its ability to penetrate very easily into cells but also to organelles passing through various membranes. 


